Meetings every 2nd Wednesday of the Month
We meet at: Norton Lindsey Village Hall, Wolverton Road, Norton Lindsey, CV35 8JL
Meetings are
7.15 for 7.45pm start.
Visitors very welcome!



Being active


Days Out

Join us now
Annual Membership
Also a member of another WI group?
Dual membership is £22.60
What does this include?
- Monthly "WI Life" Magazine
- Monthly meetings
- Activities
- Days out
- Guest speakers
- Book club
- Walking group
- Themed events
- Craft club
- and much more...

- Do I have to attend every meeting?
Of course not, attend only as you wish - Do I have to be over a certain age?
Deinitely not - we are striving to make the WI appealing to a younger audience and welcome women of all ages. - Can I try a meeting for free?
Most definitely and you will made most welcome - please just let us know that you are coming!
Coming in the next 12 months
Kurling - January
*The Repair Shop and Me' - Christine Farmer - February
Open Meeting - Beekeeping - Alan Deeley - March
Reflexology - Charlie Yarrow - April
Cheese and Wine Evening - preceded by WI resolutions - May
Warwickshire Search and Rescue - Ian Mallins - June
- Garden party - bring and share - July
Summer Supper - August
Life as a Wildlife Artist - Sarais Crawshaw - September
How to be a Creative Butterfly - Helen Cooper - October
Eleanor of Aquitaine - Julie Howard - Preceded by our AGM - November
- Festive Merriment - December
plus walks and days out, pub lunches and picnics, theatre trips, crafts, books and knitting, garden visits, theme events, Christmas lunch and many more opportunities for fun, friendship and learning

Will activities cost me extra?
Some activities such as days out do incur additional costs but we try to keep these to a minimum.